Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How To: Rock the Boyfriend Jean

The boyfriend cut. So slub chic its not even funny. This is one particular cut, however, has been toying with me for the last few months. How do I make these work without making myself look like a shapeless soccer mom or just plain old frumpy? I purchased myself a pair of cuffed boyfriend cut jeans and have been desperate to find a cute way to mix and match them. Here's what I've discovered thus far.

1. Dress 'em up

We can't be looking like our boyfriends ladies (see point #2) but we can rock this comfortable look with a sleek blazer or flowy dressy top.

2. Do not literally wear your boyfriends jeans - no matter how skinny cute you are. (sorry Katie Holmes - you kind of look like a dude...)


3. Tuck it in.. with a belt

She looks so adorable in her distressed boyfriends with that tiny cute yellow belt peeping out of her shirt.
Definitely digging the color combination. Check out Bex's adorable blog here. Whatta babe. 


 4. Be confident. (my biggest problem)

Such great looks, I'm taking notes!



These two ladies are following the rules at their finest! Defintely going to dress to impress tomorrow (maybe post a little pic just to let you know how I did)

Do you have a pair of boyfriend jeans? How do you wear them? I'd love to hear your input!



  1. Love love boyfriend jeans - I sport mine nearly every other day.

    Glad you made it out of the haboob! My hubby grew up in AZ but I had never heard of it before ;).

    Morgan @

  2. Thanks Morgan! I love your blog :)


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